Additive´s Tip of the Iceberg Problem, Part 2
We lack a complete and thorough understanding of the Additive market. Often essential, important or very profitable applications, procedures or knowledge is not shared. This means that the true extent,…
3D Printing´s Tip of the Iceberg Problem, Part 1
We’ve got a rather peculiar problem in Additive. I call this the tip of the iceberg problem and it stems from seven distinct factors. The high degree of strategic replication…
Business Development: The Worst Idea in 3D Printing Ever
One application that changed my view of 3D printing forever was Hans Boodt’s 3D printing of mannequins. The Dutch firm is a leader in high-end displays. I was flabbergasted when…
Why Are 3D Printing Projects Always Delayed?
You may have noticed that industrial 3D printing projects seem to perennially be delayed. Desktop 3D printers also always suck, initially. New designs for systems are finicky and underperform no…
One Thing That We Can Still Not 3D Print is the Balance Sheet
With all the progress in 3D printing, we must remind ourselves to stay humble. We are in a very capable industry with accelerating growth and adoption rates. In the eyes…
Company Seeks Ideas for 3D Printing of Cotton
3D Printers are currently capable of printing in a variety of materials, including plastics, metals, glass, ceramics, wood based agents, and most recently carbon fiber. However, no one has yet…