homemade 3d printer

Teenage Maker Builds Closed Loop 3D Printer for Just €10

There have been many homemade and DIY 3D printers – even 3D printers made from a dot matrix printer, e-waste and recycled components – but I think the 3D printer constructed by…

Instructables: Just Released Lego 3D Printer 3.0 is More Complex & Eight Times Faster

Instructables user William (W1ll14m) has allowed us to watch the evolution of a veritable work of art. There’s no greater recipe for success in designing than to be able to…

Man Creates a 3D Printer for Under $75 – And you can too!

It was just last week that we saw the cheapest assembled 3D printer become available to consumers around the world. That was when New Matter’s MOD-t 3D printer launched their…