Graphene Coating Improves 3D Printing of Pure Copper Powder
Pure copper is a great heat and electricity conductor, making it a highly sought after metal in the 3D printing industry to use for applications such as heat exchangers and…
Graphmatec Partnering with Materials Developer Add North 3D to Develop Conductive 3D Printing Filaments
Last summer, materials scientist Dr. Mamoun Taher, a researcher in the Department of Chemistry at Uppsala University in Sweden, worked with serial entrepreneur Björn Lindh to found a startup company, of which Taher is the…
Research Leads to Swedish Startup and New 3D Printable Graphene Material
The way we talk about graphene, which is often used in 3D printing applications, it’s almost like the one-atom-thick, two-dimensional carbon material is magical. Graphene is lightweight, and is both…