Sculpted in Virtual Reality and Brought to Life in 3D Print, Monster Heralds the Future of VFX

Practical effects, including props, figures, masks, makeup, and more, are a much-loved mainstay in a special effects (FX) industry increasingly going digital. No amount of CGI can replace the visceral…

Westworld’s Technology is a Bit Too Familiar for Comfort: What Happens When Robotics and 3D Printing Advance Too Far?

It’s that time of year again – when TV networks roll out their new ideas for audiences to judge. Some will fizzle out before a season has passed, while others…

The Terrifying Effects of 3D Printing in American Horror Story

For those who always fear that with any new technology comes a complete abandonment of the old, I give you the special effects team at American Horror Story. Whether you…