Felfil Evo
Eco Friendly 3D Printing? The Circular Economy
In trying to prevent the total collapse of our natural ecosystem, we can work toward building a circular ecosystem of goods production and consumption. The goal of a circular economy…
Felfil: 3D Printing Filament Automatically Spooled with New Felfil Device
Ever since the launch of their successful Kickstarter campaign for The Felfil project, Felfil (situated in the city of Turin, in northern Italy) has been focused on creating quality filament…
Feed Your 3D Printer with Recycled Filament Courtesy of Felfil
If you have a 3D printer, chances are you have a lot of useless plastic lying around. Failed prints, bits of broken-off filament, supports, the strings of material that are…
Now on Kickstarter: The New and Improved Felfil Evo 3D Printing Filament Extruder
Nothing in life is perfect – yes, including 3D printing. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully we craft our designs, mistakes and flaws happen. This can be infuriating, as any artist in…