Interview with Colin Keogh of the Rapid Foundation
This is a brief interview with Colin Keogh of the Rapid Foundation. He gives us some good insight into the need to enable people through technology as well as what it means to be a maker.
Henkel Expands in Dublin with New Additive Manufacturing Operation
The largest adhesives manufacturer in the world is Henkel, which is headquartered in Germany but has facilities all over the world, including several in Ireland. Its Irish facilities, which include…
Ireland: Researchers Create New Bioprinting Method for Regenerating Bone in Vivo
As you read about 3D printing, 4D printing, bioprinting, and learn about any number of outrageous innovations coming forth at a fairly constant rate, you may wonder what the point…
Remember That First Kiss? Love & Robots Will Translate It Into 3D Printed Jewelry
One word sums up the 3D printing industry today: exciting! You, along with the rest of the world, though, are probably still digesting all that the miraculous technology has to…
Heart Transplant Surgery Performed With Help of Color Coded 3D Printed Model
There comes a day in everyone’s life when they realize that the human heart bears no resemblance to that double lobed drawing that shows up on Valentine’s Day cards and cheap…