door lock
Metamaterials Create 3D Printed, PIN-Protected Door Lock at Hasso-Plattner Institute
Just a few months ago, we told you about a really interesting metamaterials project developed by a team of researchers at Germany’s Hasso-Plattner Institute (HPI). The researchers created a 3D printed working…
Keep People Out with This 3D Printed Door Lock
When desktop 3D printing first began to catch on, the internet was filled with designs that I like to refer to as “useless pieces of garbage.” These were boring designs…
Convert Your Front Door Lock to an NFC System Using a Qduino Mini
Quin Etnyre, who goes by Qtechknow, is a 14-year-old maker and electronics enthusiast who claims as major interests Arduino, 3D printing, and embedded electronics among other things. He has now designed…