How Much Will This Cost? df3D’s New Quote 3D App Calculates 3D Print Pricing
As 3D printing sweeps into the mainstream, knocking our socks off with one heady innovation after another, whether it’s assisting in a medical miracle like a facial transplant or allowing aerospace…
Order Your Customized 3D Printed Diwali Lithopane Lamp from df3d in Celebration of ‘The Festival of Lights’
While looking at the latest project from df3d, my first thought was simple: “I want one of these.” And I’m sure many will concur. Stylish and affordable, it’s just plain cool….
Osteo3d Launches Large New Repository of 3D Printed Medical Models, Invites Doctors into World of 3D
Osteo3d has just released a unique online repository of 3D medical models that should prove enormously helpful in not only introducing doctors and other professionals to the world of 3D printed resources, but…
Df3d eXtrud3it Now Available as Cloud-Based App on Google Play–Take Your Selfies Straight to 3D Print
df3d is a dynamic design factory with big plans and a multi-faceted approach to meeting the needs of the 3D printing world. While they’ve treated their users lately not only…
Student Designer Enlists Help of df3D for Producing 3D Printed Minimalist Apparel
We always look forward to seeing the latest products forthcoming from premium 3D printing design company df3D. While their mission is to provide a first-class 3D printing service bureau and marketplace,…
Osteo3d Helps Doctors in India Correct Orbital Hypertelorism with 3D Printed Surgical Planning Model
Orbital hypertelorism is a condition where there is an abnormally large distance between the eyes, and it refers specifically to the position of the bony orbits – or ‘eye sockets’…
df3d Launches eXtrud3it 2D-to-3D Tool — Turn 2D Images into 3D Printable Files
Df3d is a 3D printing and design platform which aims to encompass the entire scope of the 3D printing community. The company has slowly been rolling out a number of…
3D Printing Helps Create Upper Jaw Prosthetic For Cancer Patient, Thanks to Osteo3D
The advancements within the medical field, spurred on by additive manufacturing, have been truly remarkable. The lives, which are being saved or improved upon, thanks to this incredible technology, is…
Cloudf3D Launched by df3D – All-in-one Cloud 3D Printing Marketplace for Businesses
Recently the Senior Vice President and General Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Stratasys, Andy Middleton sat down with International Business Times to discuss the future of 3D Printing….
df3d Creates Exquisite, High-end 3D Printed Chess Pieces using SLA Technology
Chess is one of the older board games that still remains popular in today’s culture. It’s a game that is played by millions of people worldwide, and is far more…