Death Star
ErectorBot is 3D Printing a 2-Meter Death Star in Madrid, Just In Time for “Rogue One”
3D printing has many important applications – it is helping to revolutionize the medical field, to innovate manufacturing, and to teach kids real world problem solving and technology through the use of…
That’s No Moon – It’s a Giant 3D Printed Death Star
The new Star Wars movie premiers in less than a week, so I know what my plans are for next weekend. Unlike last year’s The Force Awakens, Rogue One is…
Weekly Roundup: Ten Awesome 3D Printable Birdhouses
A few weeks ago I reorganized my office and ended up with a nice, unobstructed view out of my window and into the backyard. I noticed that we tended to…
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things — Smartphone Stands and Smartphone Accessories
Finding the right smartphone stand is a lot like finding the right pair of shoes. Yes, it is easy to find one that looks great or matches everything else that…
Should You 3D Print Life-Sized Landmarks and Space Ships or These More Manageable Versions Instead?
While the cost of 3D printing technology and 3D printing materials has been steadily dropping for years, there is still a lot of sticker shock when someone new to the…
Weekly Roundup: Ten More 3D Printable Star Wars Things
Star Wars has long been a favorite subject for 3D model designers, and it is really easy to see why. The films and all of the associated books and comics…
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things – 3D Printable Star Wars Gifts
After nearly 40 years you would think that Star Wars stuff would get a bit stale. But as theaters ready themselves for the seventh film in the iconic science fiction series…