
Back to Handcrafted Basics: Talented Artists Toss High Tech & 3D Printing Out The Window

As someone who has failed miserably in the art of whittling, woodworking in shop class, knitting, crocheting, and anything that involves using a couple of what seem like unwieldy yet…

3D Print Molds for Candles Made with Colorful Crayons

In between projects, one MIT engineering student — Lily Marie Jackson, known as “MITInventorbot” on Instructables — decided to go crafty with her 3D printer. A self-professed “passionate inventor,” this maker’s…

Martha Stewart Loves 3D Printing: 3D printed pet treat cookie cutters a finalist in American Made Summit

“I’ve built my professional life on reviving, exploring, and teaching traditions handed down for generations. I created the American Made Summit in part to celebrate time-honored methods and techniques that…

3dtotal Games Launches New Kickstarter Campaign for 3D Printing Pen Project Manual

With Christmas approaching, I find myself evaluating everything in terms of whether or not it might be a great gift idea, especially for kids. Arts and crafts are always a…