cool lego creations
Build Your Own 3D Printed Open Source Motorized Microscope
I always enjoy a good 3D printed DIY project, whether it’s truly helpful or just for fun. These projects are even cooler when you add Legos into the mix, like…
Breaking Down the Building Process of Matt Denton’s Giant 3D Printed Motorized LEGO Go-Kart
It’s time for another update from one of our favorite makers – Matt Denton, one of the original builders of Star Wars droid BB-8, owner of YouTube channel Mantis Hacks,…
LEGO Expert Builds Incredible RC Boat with 3D Printed Propellers
Before 3D printing, there were Lego blocks! More than likely if you were born after 1947, you probably had and played with Lego blocks at some point in your life….