cobblebot inc

It’s Baaaaaack: Crowdfunding Disaster Cobblebot Launches and Then Cancels a New 3D Printer Kickstarter Campaign

I suppose, if you must credit Cobblebot with something, it is their sheer fearlessness in the face of a reputation in the 3D printing community that really couldn’t get any…

Cobblebot Threatens Backer with Lawsuit for Reposting a Video of the 3D Printer

Over the last year we’ve covered on numerous occasions a company called Cobblebot Inc., as they launched two different 3D printers on crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Over the last year, the…

Cobblebot Little Monster 3D Printer Launches on Kickstarter for Just $199

Earlier last year the consumer market for 3D printers found itself in a race to the bottom. In this race we saw company after company launch, usually on crowdfunding platforms…