board of directors

Formlabs Announces Strategic Collaboration with Autodesk, Plus $35 Million in Series B Funding

It’s a big day for Formlabs, who will be presenting their webinar “How to Choose the Right 3D Printing Technology – FDM vs SLA vs SLS” later today at 1pm EST, right…

3D Hubs Announces Infusion of $7 Million with Completion of Series B Financing

The industry of 3D printing is extremely versatile in range, from the titans—companies that have been in business for decades—to startups we only just heard about last week. We have…

Stratasys CEO David Reis to Retire, Ilan Levin to Succeed Him

Today, Stratasys has announced that David Reis, the current CEO, will be retiring at the end of this month. He has been the company’s Chief Executive Officer since March 2009, and…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week: November 21

This week’s stories we didn’t cover include news that Rehovot, Israel-based Opel has successfully used Stratasys 3D printers to eliminate manufacturing tool production costs by 90%. And there’s no better…

The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — October 3, 2015

Some weeks our 3D printing news is focused on printable models, but this week there’s a much stronger focus on materials, hardware, and the business side of the industry. From the UK:…

MyMiniFactory Brings on New Board Member & Non-Executive Director, Olivier Chatin

Launched in 2013, MyMiniFactory is quite simply just a place of 3D goodness. With an expansive international community of users, they offer the world’s largest curated 3D object download platform,…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — August 29

There’s lots of 3D printing business news this week. Gartner Inc., the world’s largest research and advisory company for information technology, reports that medicine is the sector most influenced by 3D printing…

Tinkerine Reports Record Revenue, Spurred on by Ditto Pro 3D Printer Sales

It goes without saying that the 3D printing space has been a treacherous one for investors over the last 12-18 months. Slowing growth, rising expenses, currency exchange fluctuations and difficulties…

Hans J. Sack Appointed President of ExOne

The ExOne Company (Nasdaq:XONE) builds industrial-grade 3D printing machines and printed products and materials, and offers services to industrial customers, primarily for in-house use. The company also offers collaboration and…

MakerBot CEO Bree Pettis is Named to the Board of Directors at Local Motors

Local Motors, a company that strives to improve on automotive design through many unique methods, has just named MakerBot CEO Bree Pettis to its Board of Directors. The assignment of…