Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute

Interview with Seok-Hwan You of Rokit Healthcare on Bioprinting

When Seok-Hwan You founded Rokit Healthcare the company was one of the first worldwide to be able to 3D print PEEK and other high-performance materials. It quickly grew to dominate…

ARMI Experimenting with 3D Printing Cancer Cells in Next-Generation Biofabrication Efforts

Although 3D printing and the future are consistently mentioned together, what is already happening in the here and now is of great importance—and inspiration. We see 3D printing being used…

Organovo and University of Virginia Team Up to Address Volumetric Muscle Loss Through 3D Printing

The human body is remarkably resilient, but sometimes injuries or illnesses are so severe that it can’t repair itself, at least not completely. Such is the case with volumetric muscle…

Advanced Tissue Biofabrication (ATB) Manufacturing USA Institute Will Focus on 3D Bioprinting Among Other Biofabrication Technologies

There’s really no sector in the United States (or much of the world) that has been untouched by the development of advanced manufacturing technologies – and no one seems to…