3D ultrasound

3D Printing News Briefs, August 19, 2023: Geopolymer Construction, FDA Clearance, & More

In 3D Printing News Briefs today, Carbon has announced several improvements to its platform, and Renca printed a house with its geopolymer 3D printing mortar. In medical news, Axial3D has…

New Jersey Startup 3D Prints Baby Sculptures for Families Enduring Pregnancy or Infant Loss

According to the CDC, there are about 3,500 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in the United States, which, frustratingly, have no immediately obvious cause, and I cannot imagine how devastating this…

An Inexpensive Microchip and 3D Printing Take Ultrasound Machines from 2D to 3D

You may have seen a 3D ultrasound before, if you or someone you know are going to have a baby. They’re impressive, but not yet extremely common, because they’re expensive….

If You Want More Than a 3D Ultrasound Picture, Why Not Get a 3D Printed Ultrasound Statue?

I am not a parent, unless you count my dogs and cats, but I have many friends who are, and their excitement is tangible when they get to hang that…