3D printed TV characters
More Syfy 3D Printable Models: Voodoo Manufacturing Displays at Silicon Valley Comic Con
We work hard here at 3DPrint.com, ensuring that we bring you the latest news–but let’s be honest, it’s a labor of love. It’s nice to work every day on things…
3D Print Your Own Syfy Originals: New Partnership with Thingiverse Among Syfy’s Expanding Tech Opportunities
We all have dreams. Shockingly, I didn’t spend my childhood dreaming of running a 3D printing news site; the technology didn’t exist yet when I was born. Instead, I spent the…
The Terrifying Effects of 3D Printing in American Horror Story
For those who always fear that with any new technology comes a complete abandonment of the old, I give you the special effects team at American Horror Story. Whether you…
From the Tracys to The Hood: Thunderbirds Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 3D Print at Launzer
We know 3D printing has a very serious side, allowing for numerous innovative products that are changing lives, making them more convenient–and even saving them. The progressive technology is also…