3D printed phantom
Researchers Use Microsoft Kinect Xbox 360 Scanner to Obtain Topography for 3D Printable Radiotherapy Phantom
To verify treatment when giving radiation, doctors often turn to radiotherapy phantoms for quality assurance, since the dosage can’t be directly measured. 3D printing is making it easier to fabricate…
Japan: Real-Time Tumor Tracking & Quality Assurance with 3D Printed Phantoms & Moving Robotic Platform
Researchers from Yamaguchi University in Japan enrolled three lung cancer patients in a study about their work assessing a dynamic moving phantom system that can reproduce patient anatomy and 3D…
Researchers Study the Effectiveness of 3D Printing in Cardiac Phantoms
The heart wants what the heart wants, as they say, but in many cases, it may also want some help to continue performing its natural duties in pumping blood throughout…