3d printed legal evidence
3D Printed Visual Aids for the Courtroom
I’ve been following the developments in 3D printing for the courts closely for years. We’ve seen how 3D scanners and VR can be used in the courts, how Canadian company…
3D Printing and the Law Interview with Rania Sedhom
The law and 3D printing is a very exciting emerging area of interest for many. What exactly happens with to 3D printed products and liability or IP? Most people in…
3D Printed Skulls Presented as Evidence in Murder Trial, in a First for the British Legal System
There are few things that are harder to hear about, or think about, than the murder of a child. Even more incomprehensible is when the death of a child comes…
Charges Dismissed! Whiteclouds Creates 3D Printed Replica of Murder Home for Stiffler Trial in Shooting of Montana Burgler
When it comes to protecting themselves, many have a very simple attitude—initially. You become concerned about crime in your city or town and you don’t want to be left defenseless,…
Canadian Firm Bringing 3D Printed Evidence to the Courtroom
Because winning courtroom battles can often hinge on one side or the other having the slightest edge when it comes to presenting evidence, legal experts are now looking to 3D…