3d printed braces
LightForce Orthodontics Raises $14M for Custom 3D Printed Braces
They’re not fun by any stretch of the imagination, but getting braces is a rite of passage for many teenagers. While this hasn’t changed for many years, neither has the…
Introducing LightForce Orthodontics and Its Customized 3D Printed Bracket System
A dental resident walked into a bar full of Harvard graduate students. No, it’s not the beginning of a bad joke, but actually the genesis of venture-backed startup LightForce Orthodontics, which…
The Impact of 3D Printing on the Medical Device Industry
In January of 2017, Dr. Julielynn Wong, founder of 3D4MD, used Made In Space‘s Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF) aboard the International Space Station to 3D print a finger splint for the…
3D Printed Braces Incorporate Flexible Electronics for Faster Healing
I remember two main things about having braces as a child – they were frequently painful, and I seemed to have them forever. It was several years before I could…
3D Printed Smart Braces with Flexible Batteries and LEDs Can Improve Efficiency of Orthodontic Alignment
Every time I come across a picture of myself from the tender ages of 14 to 16, I cringe a little – not because of my questionable fashion choices, but…
Reddit User 3D Prints Wrist Brace After Breaking Hand in Cycling Accident
When my oldest son was five or six, he fell down and injured his knee while running poolside in Florida. Although it seemed overkill, I followed obediently as the doctor…
Injured Stork Walks Again Thanks to 3D Printed Leg Braces From Mass Portal
When you picture a stork, the first thing you probably think of are its long, slender, delicate legs. The tall waterfowl depend on those long legs for wading through the…
Chinese Turn to Customized 3D Printed Braces for Scoliosis Treatment
The medical applications for 3D printing continue to expand, encompassing numerous areas within both internal and external medicine. For instance we’ve see dozens of different 3D printed medical implants, as…
HEALX Unveils 3D Printed Customized Orthopedic Wrist Braces
3D printing and scanning technologies continue to push the envelope in how injuries are treated. HEALX Innovation is one such enterprise that is utilizing additive manufacturing to improve the way patients…
Little Girl, Lylah, Gains Use of Her Arms for the First Time Thanks to 3D Printed ‘Angel Arms’
Over the past couple of years, we’ve reported on many unique and individualized uses for 3D printing, in coming to the aid of people with disabilities. The technology, thanks to…