3d printable robots
How a 3D Printed Mouse Robot Named NeRmo Could Change the Game of Robotics
Bridging the gap between nature’s designs and human ingenuity, a newcomer in the field of robotics is making waves. Dubbed NeRmo, short for Neurorobotic Mouse, this creation blends biology and…
New 3D Printed Continuum Soft Robot Can Lift 3 Pounds
Usually when we think of robots in everyday life, it’s something anthropomorphic, maybe a cross between C-3PO and Rosie the robot maid from The Jetsons. But robots don’t always represent…
Researchers Develop 3D Printed Soft Robotic Mechanism, Inspired by Origami Tower, For Use on the Assembly Line
3D printed robots come in all shapes and sizes – we’ve seen cute robots, robots that can crawl, or walk on 3D printed legs, robots that resemble eels, and humans, and…
MIT CSAIL’s Interactive Robogami System Makes it Easy to Design and 3D Print Your Own Origami-Inspired Robots
For years, researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have been working with 3D printing and robotics, making robots 3D printed in one step and 3D printed…
From Playing Football to All Night at the Disco, 3D Printable Marty the Robot Has the Moves–and the Eyebrows!
If you haven’t had your fill of robotics lately—or cuteness—check out Marty. I think he might even be more adorable than my puppy, and he’ll keep your kids, as well…
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things – Awesome Beginner 3D Printable Robotics Projects
Robotics has become one of the most common forms of advanced technology in the world, and just about everyone in the developed world uses them daily. Many of us probably…
Meet EDI the 3D Printable Rubber Band Shooting Mech Warrior
It isn’t even remotely a hyperbolic statement to suggest that our future will be entirely defined by robotics. Science fiction may have filled an entire generation’s heads with visions of…
High School Teacher Creates Drogerdy, the 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Controlled Tank Bot
Raspberry Pi and 3D printing seem to go together like peanut butter and raspberry jelly. There are so many different possibilities that inventors and innovators can come up with when…
Instructables Designer Builds 3D Printed ‘Walkerbot’ Featuring Arduino Software and 4 Pencil Legs
Robots and science fiction fantasy have gone hand in hand throughout the years, with most of our connections to robots coming from a classic movie or TV show. An aspiration of man…
MIT Working On 3D Printed Self Assembling Robots
If you thought that the 3D printed robot named Jimmy, which Intel has been showing off this past week was cool, then you will really be impressed by a project…