3d print porcelain
Good News!: 3D Printing Is Beginning to Really Influence the Ceramic Arts World, as Shapeways Has Seen
You may not realize it, but it’s highly likely that you are surrounded by ceramic materials right now. Everything from bricks, pipes, floors and roof tiles to your tableware can be…
Porcelite: 3D Print with New Porcelain Resin & Then Fire & Glaze Your Ceramic Models—on Kickstarter Now
3D printing has come a long way in a very short time, with a massive surge into the mainstream. Hardware and software are becoming available to meet nearly every maker’s…
Shapeways Releases Its New Porcelain Material to All 3D Designers
The types of materials available for 3D printing continue to expand at an amazing rate. Glass is the latest development to get everyone excited, as researchers continue to work on printing…
Shapeways Announces New Porcelain Material for 3D Printing
When discussing the future of the 3D printing industry with various experts within the field, about half of them believe we will one day have 3D printers in virtually every…