3D objects
Coding for 3D Part 2: Generative Design
This is a quick excerpt that is talking about what we will be focusing on within this coding series: generative design. We want to define our direction before we plung into the deep ocean of coding and 3D objects.
For the First Time, You Can Upload 3D Models to Wikimedia Commons
A repository is a central location in which data is stored and managed, and we have plenty of them in the 3D printing world – popular examples include GitHub and…
Google’s New Poly Platform is Home to Free 3D Objects to Build AR and VR Apps
Google is a veritable technology titan, coming out with 3D creations like the Smart Bathroom, Jump for VR, and Google Tilt Brush, and providing high-profile funding to big-name 3D printing…
MyMiniFactory: 3D Printing Trends for July 2017
The 3D printing industry has bloomed into one that generates billions of dollars, and that is only expected to grow–with fierce competition continuing to mount across the globe. Today, you…
3D Scanned Objects Help Robots to “See” the Way That Humans Do
Robots and humans don’t see things the same way. That’s not exactly a shocking statement, but some robots operate so efficiently and smoothly that it’s easy to forget that their…
Over 10,000 3D Scans of Everyday Objects Released by Redwood Data
Nowadays, it’s not such a rarity to see the use of 3D scanning to recreate historic artifacts or museum-worthy sculptures. The British Library is utilizing a 3D scanner to capture…