3D Ninja
3D Ninja Launches IFind3D, a Massive Search Engine for 3D Printable Models
There are a lot of 3D printing marketplaces, platforms and model repositories online. A lot. That’s great if you’re looking for a particular model to 3D print; it’s pretty likely…
ZMorph 2.0 SX Multitool 3D Printer: Available ‘Off-the-Shelf’ From Over 70 Resellers in 50 Countries
While you may not have actually seen the new ZMorph 2.0 SX Multitool 3D Printer yet, if you’ve been following along over the past months, you are well aware that…
3D Ninja Partners With Innofil3D to Offer Comprehensive Line of Standard, Specialty and Customizable Filaments
The Netherlands may be a small country, but it has produced some of the biggest corporations in the 3D printing industry, from Ultimaker to Shapeways. Less talked-about, but still prolific, are…