3D model repository
The Benefits of 3D Marketplaces
3D model marketplaces have continued to rise in popularity as more and more 3D models are being designed to address particular problems. These models are solving problems in a wide…
Let’s Kill Thingiverse?
If you are a 3D printer operator you probably have noticed that Thingiverse sucks at the moment. After being asked to write about it I decided to grab the bull…
3D Ninja Launches IFind3D, a Massive Search Engine for 3D Printable Models
There are a lot of 3D printing marketplaces, platforms and model repositories online. A lot. That’s great if you’re looking for a particular model to 3D print; it’s pretty likely…
3D Technology Helps Democratize Science as CMU Studies 3D Printed Homo Nadeli Fossils
While millennials may be a study in the modern human species all on their own, when it comes to their role in science today, it’s one of taking initiative and…