MakerBot Releases the Latest Update of MakerBot Desktop in Version 3.7


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Image 93MakerBot has spent considerable time over the last 18 months in developing new applications, materials, and particularly software to ramp up their 3D printing ecosystem. New updates have been rolling out on a regular basis for the company’s MakerBot Desktop software, and today they released the latest iteration of their desktop 3D printing software in the form of MakerBot Desktop 3.7.

The company says the enhancements bring faster 3D printing, improved profiles, and the requisite array of code tweaks and bug fixes.

Te new release includes the development of a way to speed up printing by varying print layer heights and infill. They say that when various parts of a 3D printed model have different layer heights, the result is a faster 3D print, but more speed doesn’t mean a loss in external finish quality.

makerbot desktop carousel2Certain 3D prints require custom settings which may not necessarily apply to all projects, so MakerBot has added the new Custom Profile Editor to MakerBot Desktop 3.7, which allows users to edit properties such as infill and extruder speed. Those settings can be saved as a template for future projects via Quick and Custom tab settings.

This latest release of MakerBot Desktop is stacked with upgrades and new features aimed at streamlining processes and boosting efficiencies.

To help users protect home or business Wi-Fi networks, users can now connect to their MakerBot Replicator by simply entering the network name and password directly into MakerBot Desktop 3.7.

The software also includes functionality to allow users to – via a device preferences window – review statistical information such as temperature, total print time, and a host of other data.

The company says their engineers are constantly working on MakerBot Desktop and MakerBot Firmware to optimize printing with the MakerBot Replicator line of 3D printers, but they stress that it’s important for users to keep their MakerBot Desktop and MakerBot Firmware current by downloading the latest version of MakerBot Desktop.

As part of this release, MakerBot reminds users that, when printing files via the USB port, from the printer’s internal storage, or from the Library, files should be “reprepared” or resliced to achieve the best results.MakerBot Desktop-3.7-Release For Fifth Generation MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers, the latest developments include the variable layer height feature, the ability to set a static IP address for printers using Ethernet connections, and Smart Extruder information has been added in the “device preference” menus.

As for the dreaded “known issues,” MakerBot says quick settings for dual-extrusion printing, rafts, and support will default to “mixedMaterial” unless a user selects the “MakerBot Dissolvable Filament” option for one extruder.

They also say that if an error appears when a user connects to a hidden wireless network, it can be overcome by dismissing the error message and checking to see a connection already exists before attempting to connect again. Additionally, they note that videos under the “Learn” tab will not play inside MakerBot Desktop on 32-bit Windows machines. They add that you can view the videos in a browser as a workaround for the issue.

Do you use MakerBot Desktop software to drive your 3D printer? Let us know what you think of this latest release of their software here in the MakerBot Desktop 3.7 forum thread on

MakerBot Desktop-3.7-Release 2


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