We’ve got another busy week of webinars and events to share with you in today’s roundup! Topics include metal 3D printing, simulation software, the oil and gas industry’s supply chain, 3D printing at educational institutions, bioprinting vasculatures, and much more.
Nanoscribe Holding Online Training
First up, BICO subsidiary Nanoscribe is holding its Online Training week from Monday, March 21st through Thursday, March 24th. The company is offering basic training at 5 am EST on the 21st, and attendees will learn how to start working with the 3D printer. Advanced training on 3D Small Feature Solution Set, 3D Medium Feature Solution Set, and 3D Large Feature Solution Set, at 5 am EST on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, respectively, will teach attendees all about advanced features and how to optimize their print jobs.
“Our Customer Success and Service team strives to make it as smooth and easy as possible for beginners to get started with high-precision 3D printing. And they also go out to give advanced users the best possible support so that they can expand their know-how and expertise even further. So as a customer or system user, you can choose from a variety of basic and advanced training courses.”
Log in to NanoGuide to sign up for the training.
Markforged Continues AM Digital Demo Days
Markforged, along with its partners, is holding a series of virtual Additive Manufacturing Digital Days that demonstrate the company’s composite printers and Digital Forge platform for industrial 3D printing. Attendees experience the whole 3D printing process and learn about topics like finding cost of manufacturing, determining print orientation, maximizing part performance with infill, mastering Continuous Fiber Reinforcement (CFR), and more. They will also be eligible for a free 3D printed part.
GSC will host the Markforged Digital Day for Americas Midwest at 3 pm EST on March 22nd. Solid Print3D will host for the UK at 10 am EST on March 24th, while MLC CAD Systems will host the Markforged Digital Day for Americas South at 11 am EST, also on the 24th. Stay tuned, because there are more dates in the future if you miss these!
America Makes Hosting TRX Live in Utah
From March 22-24, America Makes is holding its first live event of the year at the Northern Utah Accelerator (USTAR). Hosted by the Utah Advanced Mfg. & Materials Initiative (UAMMI), this will be the organization’s Spring Technical Review and Exchange (TRX), a technically focused event with content shared flexibly at an in-depth level. All presenters have prepared their talks to allow for an increased level of engagement with attendees. Presentations will center around topics including process essential variables, qualification and certification, characterization and testing method validation, digital twins and data analytics, tuning processes and operations, and more.
“TRX is a great opportunity to gain additional knowledge about active America Makes projects while providing a chance to interact with other technical leaders in the additive manufacturing community. And of course, the networking opportunities!”
You can register for the Spring TRX here, and view the agenda here.
AAOS 2022 Annual Meeting
In Chicago this week, from the 22nd to the 26th, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) is holding its annual meeting, focused on “the next level of excellence in orthopaedic surgery.” Materialise will be there to show attendees how its medical software and solutions can help them reach new surgical heights. The company will discuss new features available in the Mimics Innovation Suite 25 and OrthoView 7.5, and also present live demonstrations of SurgiCase SaaS and Planning with AR.
“Come to our booth and discover how our medical software, surgical planning, and 3D printing solutions can help scale your business in personalized care. Our experts will be on hand every step of the way to support you in your personalization journey.”
You can register for the AAOS Annual Meeting here, and book a meeting with Materialise here.
NAMIC on Additive Manufacturing in Maritime
At 4 pm SGT (4 am EST) on Tuesday the 22nd, NAMIC is hosting a joint webinar on “Additive Manufacturing in Maritime – Charting the Way Forward.” Two years ago, NAMIC, the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) began the second phase of their AM Joint Industry Project (JIP) about 3D printing, testing, inspecting, and certifying marine parts, after the feasible parts were identified by DNV in Phase 1. During the webinar, updates on Phase 2 will be given by the SSA’s Michael Phoon, the MPA’s Thomas Ting, and Peter Schellenberger with Thome Ship Management. A panel discussion, moderated by Koh Shu Yong, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore – Southeast Asia & Pacific Zone, will be held with the speakers and global assurance provider LRQA‘s Zhang Meng; Roy Yap, ShipParts.com; and Ong Ken Lip with Thyssenkrupp.
“Join us as we uncover consortium success elements, product realization processes, as well as help our partners set the scene on what the next step should be to facilitate greater adoption of AM in this industry. The Q&A discussion will explore how we can achieve more sustainable adoption of AM throughout every facet of supply chains.”
You can register for the Zoom webinar here.
SL 3D Printing with Stratasys & Materialise
Also on the 22nd, Stratasys is holding a webinar on how to “Enhance your SL 3D printing workflow with Stratasys Neo and Materialise” at 12 pm EST. The webinar will cover how to enhance the stereolithography workflow for more reliable part production, and include topics like tips on best design for AM, the Stratasys Neo 3D printer, the range of Materialise software and modules, and more.
“Find out why Materialise build-prep software and Neo stereolithography are the perfect match for quick and reliable SL part production. Learn how Materialise e-stage and magics software can ensure reliable prints every time and find out why the Neo produces parts with industry leading accuracy.”
You can register for the webinar here.
Desktop Metal Introduces P-50
The final webinar on Tuesday, March 22nd, at 1 pm EST, is by Desktop Metal, which is “Introducing the Production System P-50.” Attendees will hear how the P-50 system is paving the way for 3D printed mass production of metal end-use parts, and learn about the system’s important process steps, part characteristics and metallurgy, cost and throughput data, and more.
“Join us for a 60 minute webinar to learn how Single-Pass Jetting (SPJ) technology delivers the speed and throughput necessary to compete with traditional manufacturing while also offering the benefits you’d expect in AM 2.0 technology, from reduced waste and consolidated part assemblies to lightweight part designs, de-risked supply chains and more.”
You can register for the webinar here.
Velo3D’s “Seeing is Believing” Roadshow
Metal 3D printing company Velo3D recently announced its “Seeing is Believing” AM roadshow, which will tour 15 different cities this year. The focus is on educating technology influencers, decision makers, and engineers about the capabilities and benefits of AM and Velo3D’s end-to-end solution, and how these can transform their business. Those who attend the complimentary sessions will get to see and handle advanced 3D printed parts and hear presentations from Velo3D experts, and the next one will be from 9 am to 4 pm EST this Wednesday, February 23, in Detroit, Michigan. The tour will also visit California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Missouri, Illinois, North Carolina, Washington, Alabama, Utah, and Washington, D.C.
“When we talk to engineers who are interested in 3D printing technology, that interest is often accompanied by a bit of skepticism attributable to the shortcoming of conventional solutions. These events are directly aimed at helping engineers see what’s truly possible with end-to-end additive manufacturing solutions. At the event, we will introduce attendees to customers currently using additive manufacturing to build the parts they want without compromise. Attendees also get to see and handle real, as-printed parts that leverage the highest-performance designs,” said Renette Youssef, Velo3D Chief Marketing Officer.
You can register for the Detroit roadshow event here, or info@velo3d.com to request a ticket.
Teton Simulation SmartSlice Twenty with Tyler: Print Settings
Teton Simulation continues the new “Twenty with Tyler” webinar series on its SmartSlice simulation software solution continues this Wednesday, the 23rd, with the “Effects of Print Settings on Part Performance with SmartSlice.” There will be two sessions, with the first at 10 am EST and the second at 1 pm EST. Teton staff engineer Tyler Heckenlively will show attendees how SmartSlice can improve their current AM workflows by experimenting with different print settings, and then observing how they effect part performance.
“Tyler will identify some key print settings that have large effects on print performance, and we will discuss how to change these settings to improve the strength of our parts. In addition to print settings, we will also discuss SmartSlice™ requirements, and how to use these part requirements to build modifications to the print settings.”
The Great Resignation with Alexander Daniels Global
In the 2021 Alexander Daniels Global Additive Manufacturing Salary Survey Report, 33% of AM professionals in 2020 reported that they were ‘Extremely Likely’ to change jobs in the next year. The 2022 survey results proved this ended up happening, as a reported 37% of professionals in the US and 34% in the EMEA region switched jobs in 2021. So what led to this Great Resignation? Alexander Daniels Global listed several reasons, including burnout, early retirement, and the freedom people enjoyed while working from home. To learn more about the effects of this phenomenon, you’ll want to attend the company’s webinar, “The Effects of the Great Resignation on the Hiring Landscape,” on the 23rd at 11 am EST.
“Join Alexander Daniels Global for their upcoming webinar where the effects of the Great Resignation are discussed in more detail, with supporting data as published in the 2022 AM Salary Survey Report, and tips for what can be done to improve retention hiring strategies.”
You can register for the webinar here.
Stratasys: H350’s Live Workflow Demo
Wednesday the 23rd will be busy! Stratasys has the next webinar that day, with “Never Before Seen: The H350 3D Printer’s Full Workflow Shown Live” at 12 pm EST. Alex Logeman, Stratasys Associate Commercial Application Engineer, will describe the company’s SAF technology and offer a closeup look at the H350’s print process, starting with nesting in GrabCAD Print and printing to post-processing and exhibiting the parts. Tim Heller, Commercial Leader of Strategic Growth for Stratasys, will tell attendees about the advantages of adding the H350 to their production process. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, and will also receive a free sample of the 3D printed demonstration part.
“For the first time, we will demonstrate the entire workflow of the H350™ 3D printer. Get an inside look into the H350’s printing process and SAF™ technology’s proprietary unidirectional architecture. Following the presentation, participants will be encouraged to ask questions and will receive a sample of the parts printed.”
You can register for the webinar here.
Velo3D: Solving O&G Supply Chain Pressure
Also on the 23rd, at 1 pm EST, Velo3D will hold a webinar on “The Secret to Solving O&G Supply Chain Pressure.” Zach Walton, Velo3D’s Director of Business Development, and Steve Freitas, R&D Director of IMI-CCI, will discuss the success of 3D printing mission-critical parts for the oil and gas industry in this VELOVirtual session. Topics include the supply chain and certification challenges of AM, achieving a scalable AM supply chain, realizing design intent for maximum performance, and more.
“Parts like IMI-CCI’s High Pressure Flow Control Element take full advantage of AM to produce geometrically complex, strong, and lightweight designs. And at IMI-CCI, parts like this have been at the center of an entirely new business unit designed to help customers find flow control solutions with AM technology.
“But our next VELOVirtual tells a different story—one about the other half of the journey. What happens after you prove the concept? The transition to AM requires careful consideration, new standards, and a scaled, global supply chain approach. How do you resolve these challenges?”
You can register for the webinar here.
TriMech on 3DSculptor Tool
If you’re interested in learning more about 3DEXPERIENCE tools, you’ll want to tune in to TriMech‘s webinar at 2 pm EST on the 23rd, “Little Known Tools You Already Own on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Designing in 3DSculptor (XFO).” The 3DSculptor role on 3DEXPERIENCE has the xShape app for 3D modeling, which allows users to create complex models that quickly connect with the parametric modeling application. TriMech Solutions Consultant Wayne White will go over the xShape app and review the techniques for modifying and manipulating shapes, how to define xApps, saving and sharing files between users, and more.
“There are many things that separate xShape from many standard modeling applications today- understanding sub-division modeling is key. Wayne will review many of the techniques in which you can modify and manipulate shapes, but also understand how you can define specific dimensional data as well.”
You can register for the webinar here.
AM Coalition on Working with PTAC & the Federal Government
The last March 23rd webinar, at 3 pm EST, is a live Zoom forum by the Additive Manufacturing Coalition on “Working with Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) to do Business with the Federal Government.” According to APTAC (the Association Procurement Technical Assistance Centers), PTACs bridge the business supplier and the federal buyer with their knowledge of contractor capabilities and government contracting to help achieve fast, reliable service to the government. Panelists will be Frank Migneco, Government Procurement Manager, Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance PTAC; Kelly Wylam, Director – Innovation Partnership, for Ben Franklin Technology Partners; and Eric Esoda, President and CEO, Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center.
“Hear from experts with the Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) and others on ways to manage the federal procurement process.”
You can RSVP for the forum here.
3DPrinterOS on 3D Printing at an Educational Institution
Moving on to Thursday, March 24th, 3DPrinterOS will explain “3D Printing at an Educational Institution: Learn from Columbia and Florida State University’s Experience,” in a webinar at 12 pm EST. Yonah Elorza, Making Studio Manager at Columbia University‘s graduate-level fabrication GSAPP Shop, and Eric Adams, Digital Fablab Supervisor at Florida State University, will teach attendees how to manage 3D printing labs, files, and users easily in this setting, how to increase the utilization of your institution’s current 3D printers by 500%, and more.
“The growing use of 3D printing in various industries has extended to educational environments, where students learn the technology of their future and reap the benefits that 3D printing has to offer.”
You can register for the webinar here.
HP’s Tour of 3D Printing Demo Center
At 12 pm EST on the 24th, HP will give a live virtual tour of its 3D Printing Demo Center. Attendees will learn about how HP’s Multi Jet Fusion technology works, possible applications for MJF 3D printing, and more from a customer panel, made up of HP’s Carolina Rubio, 3D Printing Customer, Program Manager; Wes Kramer, Application Engineer, HP 3D Printing; and Neil Glazebrook, VP of 3D Solutions, ABCorp. There will be time for an audience Q&A at the end.
“In this session, you will learn about HP Multi Jet Fusion Technology and how the HP 3D Printing End-to-End Process works, from file preparation to post-processing.”
You can register for the virtual tour here.
3DHEALS on Bioprinting Vasculatures
The final webinar this week will be held by 3DHEALS at 2 pm EST on Thursday, March 24th, on “Bioprinting Vasculatures.” Sponsored by HP and CELLINK, the virtual panel will be moderated by William Harley, 3DHEALS Community and Events Manager and an organizing committee member for the Australian Bioprinting Workshop. The panelists will be Pierre-Alexandre LAURENT, PhD, Senior Field Application Scientist at CELLINK; Marc Thurner, CEO at at mimiX biotherapeutics Ltd; Ibrahim Tarik Ozbolat, Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering and Neurosurgery, at Penn State; and Taci Pereira, Vice President and General Manager, Bioprinting at 3D Systems.
“3D bioprinting vasculatures is perhaps the holy grail of the next industrial revolution in healthcare. Biofabrication and bioprinting of any viable three-dimensional tissue will not be successful unless the vascularization challenge has been solved. Many organizations and talents around the world are actively tackling this challenge, but where are we exactly? Hear the latest perspectives, updates, and revelations from a group of technical and industrial superstars.”
You can register for the webinar here.
Do you have news to share about any future webinars or virtual and live events? Please let us know!
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