Zortrax M300
3D Printing News Briefs, December 1st, 2021: Filaments, Funding, & More
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, BASF has made two of its Ultrafuse filaments available for the Zortrax M300 Dual 3D printer. Moving to business, a consortium led by Authentise…
Zortrax Vapor-Smoothing Refines Surface of 3D Printed Olympic Pistol
French competitive sport shooter Céline Goberville, a multiple world champion and Olympic silver medalist, was looking for a custom-made grip for her 10-meter air pistol shooting event ahead of last…
3D Printed Pistol Grips Improve Comfort for French Shooting Champions
Olympic silver medalist and multiple world champion Céline Goberville is a competitive sport shooter from France, who is currently competing at the European Shooting Championships in Croatia, which ends later…
Zortrax 3D Printers Save on Prototyping Costs & Time for Smart Glass Solutions
Many companies will outsource the 3D printing of their rapid prototypes to service bureaus and other external subcontractors, which is obviously a lengthier process than printing them in-house. For example,…
Zortrax 3D Printers Crucial to the Success of NASA Engineers in Creating Tools
NASA has been making use of 3D printing long before the general public even knew it existed. As the technology has made its way into the mainstream, however, NASA keeps…
Zortrax Opens Up to Third-Party 3D Printing Materials with New Software Profiles
Everyone loves flexibility when it comes to materials. The more different kinds of materials a 3D printer can print with, the better, in many people’s opinions. Zortrax already gave users…
Zortrax Releases New M300 3D Printer Globally
Plenty of 3D manufacturing companies are offering additions to their lineups this year, along with new materials and other services, but there are a rare few that already have such…
The Top Five 3D Printing News Announcements Today at Additive Manufacturing Europe 2016
Just one week after the inaugural In(3D)ustry exhibition in Barcelona, 3D printing professionals, engineers and manufacturers flocked to Amsterdam for the Additive Manufacturing Europe 2016 Expo, also a first for the ever-growing 3D printing industry.
Exclusive Photos: Zortrax Makes Something BIG with New M300 3D Printer
Dozens of the biggest names in professional 3D printing turned out for the first edition of Additive Manufacturing Europe 2016 today, taking place in the bustling tech city of Amsterdam. While the exhibition floor was packed with newest-edition 3D printers, filaments, product demonstrations and more, one particular booth stood distinctly apart: Zortrax.