Zahn Dental
3D Printing News Briefs, January 13, 2024: OEM Certification, 3D Printed Dentures, & More
In 3D Printing News Briefs today, we’re talking about metal 3D printing and certifications, 3D printed dentures, freeform optics, and 3D printed swan eggs. Read on for all the details!…
AMS 2021: 3D Printing in Healthcare Depends on Reimbursement & Regulations
Additive Manufacturing Strategies 2021, co-hosted by and SmarTech Analysis, held its fourth summit in a virtual format. Each day focused on two verticals, with the focus first on metal…
Dental 3D Printing Makes a Strong Showing at LMT Lab Day in Chicago
There are a lot of 3D printing-specific trade shows going on pretty much all the time, but the technology has been making a strong presence even at trade shows that…