XYZPrinting da Vinci 1.0
XYZprinting Offers the Original da Vinci 1.0 Blue 3D Printer for Free With Filament Purchase
XYZprinting is one of the most prolific 3D printer manufacturers active in the market right now. The company has released so many products just in the last year, in fact, that…
Stop by Barnes & Noble This Weekend for the Mini Maker Faire, See XYZprinting’s da Vinci Jr. 1.0w, and Enter to Win a da Vinci 3D Pen!
On November 5 and 6, Barnes & Noble will host the second annual Mini Maker Faire at all 650 locations in the United States. After an enthusiastic turnout at the first event…
Reward Yourself & 3D Print Your Very Own Taco from Space–3D Printed Hot Sauce Extra
Why do we love tacos so? No reason really except that they are easy to make, come in a unique shape that you can dress up colorfully and creatively, and…
XYZprinting Shipped More 3D Printers This Year Than Any Other Company
For anyone keeping a close eye on the Taiwanese 3D printer manufacturer it should be no surprise that XYZprinting has risen to the top of the sales charts this year….