wildlife preservation

India’s PM Praises 3D Printing Startup’s Work to Preserve Wildlife and Culture

Deep in the heart of Arunachal Pradesh, India’s northeastern frontier, the bond between cultural heritage and conservation takes on a modern twist. A startup is helping preserve Indigenous traditions while…

Saving the New Zealand Fairy Tern: 3D Printed Eggs on Easter Sunday

In honor of Easter Sunday today, we’re bringing you a special story about 3D printed eggs, but this isn’t your typical Easter Egg piece. The Department of Conservation (DOC) in…

3D Printed Egg Decoys Help Endangered Sea Turtles in Costa Rica

Using 3D printing technology, researchers created “fake eggs” to track illegal sea turtle trade in Central American beaches. The eggs were equipped with a GPS tracking system inside to help…

XtreeE and Seaboost Give the Sea a Boost with a 3D Printed Coral Reef

Right now is not a great time to be a coral reef. Warming ocean waters are causing bleaching, which is what happens when a coral’s symbiotic microalgae, which give the…

Bagpipes the Penguin Gets Fitted for 3D Printed Prosthetic Limb

As 3D printing technology continues to positively disrupt the medical industry, one of its first and still most prominent uses is for manufacturing custom-fitted prosthetics. These 3D printed assistive devices…

Avoiding Extinction: Art Professor 3D Prints Flowers to ‘Show What Exists Before it is Lost’

Scientists estimate that every day, the earth bares witness to the loss and extinction of close to 200 different species of plants, insects, mammals and birds. These are eye-opening statistics…