war machine
After Finishing a Full Iron Man Suit, Military Veteran Tim O’Sullivan 3D Prints the War Machine Mark III Suit
3D printing has found a home in the world of superheroes – the technology has been used to make superhero prosthetics, costumes, Legos, and models. One of the more popular choices…
3D Printing The War Machine on the Titan 1 and The Solidator
The War Machine is an invention of Marvel Comics who first appeared in 1979 but more recently has been a part of the Iron Man movies. Clad entirely in a…
Mattia Mercante’s 3D Printed “War Machine” Exemplifies Detail Capable on Form 1+ 3D Printer
With Avengers and Iron Man fever sweeping the nation as of late, just about everyone wants to grab a piece of the action. After all, who can blame them? We’ve already seen…