upper limb difference
UNO Researchers Looking for Study Participants to Test 3D Printed Prosthetic Arms
It’s necessary to perform studies on medical devices, 3D printed or otherwise, to make sure they’re working the way they’re supposed to be. Some examples we’ve heard about include: a…
Cam Haight of Different Heroes Nonprofit Makes 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand for His Own Hero
Early in 2018, we first learned the inspiring story of 5-year-old Cameron Haight, who was born with several webbed, deformed fingers and toes due to Amniotic Band Syndrome, or ABS. ABS…
3D Printing in STEM Education: Hacking the Raptor Reloaded to Create the Grab-Tor
When I was a kid, eons ago, I got a toy that was a plastic grabber on the end of a stick, controlled by squeezing or releasing a whole hand…