unborn babies 3d printed

New Jersey Startup 3D Prints Baby Sculptures for Families Enduring Pregnancy or Infant Loss

According to the CDC, there are about 3,500 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in the United States, which, frustratingly, have no immediately obvious cause, and I cannot imagine how devastating this…

Embryo 3D: Expectant Parents in Russia Hold 3D Printed Likenesses of Their Babies

Whether you are just having your first child—and may have waited quite some time to experience the wonders of pregnancy—or whether you are having your third or fourth child, the…

Estonian Company Offers To 3D Print A Portion of Your Unborn Child

There’s another entrant in the scan-and-print-your-fetus service line as an Estonian 3D technology company has announced a service they say gives parents-to-be the the opportunity to hold their expected bundle…