trends in 3D printing
Formnext 2019: Highlights, Trends and Review
The most succinct way to sum up Formnext 2019 is: overwhelming. Whereas last year I had the feeling I knew where everything was, this time it was so big as…
3D Hubs’ 3D Printing Trend Report for Q4 2017 Shows Shifts in Industrial Usage, Top Cities
Every quarter, the global 3D Hubs network releases an extensive 3D printing industry report on the latest trends, covering materials, printers, manufacturers, and even the cities and countries creating the…
3D Hubs: 3D Printing Trends Q3 2017 Offer New Categories & Industry Insights
There are certainly plenty of reports within the 3D printing realm—or any industry for that matter—that are pretty dry reading. 3D Hubs manages to make hardware, materials, and geography darned…