skin cells
VTT Studying Nanocellulose and 3D Printing for Wound Care and Decoration
For the past two years, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, a top research and technology company in the Nordic countries, has been developing new bio-material applications for cellulose-based compounds…
ITRI Develops 3D Printed Bionic Chinese Skin as Region-Specific Animal Testing Alternative
While 3D printed skin is certainly helpful in terms of helping burn victims, it can also be used as a much less controversial alternative to animal testing. The JALA Group,…
POSTECH Research Team Publishes Paper on Single-Step Process for 3D Bioprinting Synthetic Skin
I remember teachers asking the question, “What is the largest human organ?” in class many years ago, and most kids shouted out incorrect guesses, like the stomach or the brain….
3D Printing Helps a Man Grow a New Ear on His Arm
You’ve probably heard the phrase “the walls have ears” but what you may not have heard is that in a hospital room in China, a man’s arm has ears too….