scientific reports
Lamar University Researchers Develop 3D Printed Self-Healing Material to Cut Back on Waste
Material sample with a healed break [Image: Dr. Keivan Davami] A team of researchers from Lamar University in Texas, led by assistant professor Dr. Keivan Davami, recently developed a self-healing…
Researchers 3D Print Clamping Systems to Cut Down on Slippage During Soft Tissue Testing
When I think about clamps, if I do at all, it’s in terms of holding wood steady in a scene shop while making sets for a play, or keeping two…
Australian Researchers Develop 3D Printed Clip-On Attachment to Turn Smartphone into Microscope
You may have read about the team of researchers who, working with an NSF grant, have introduced and made freely available a 3D printable attachment for a cell phone that…
EBM 3D Printing Process Used to Process a Steel Alloy with High Damage Tolerance
While the adoption and development of metal 3D printing continues to grow, so too does research into different types of metals that can be 3D printed, including steel. The aerospace and…
Rutgers Engineers Develop 4D Printing Method for Shape-Shifting Hydrogels
Whenever I hear the term shape-shifting, I always picture some scary creature from a horror movie that’s able to change its form instantly to capture victims and is *probably* not…
Cryogenics and 3D Printing Used to Create Super-Soft Replicas of Biological Structures for Tissue Regeneration
Researchers with Imperial College London (ICL) have developed a new 3D printing technique for creating replicas of biological structures, which could potentially be used for tissue regeneration, and even replica…
Realistic 3D Printed Small Intestine Model and Bioreactor Helps Understand the Gut
We’ve seen 3D printed stomach models, as well as tongues and livers, and even a 3D printed pancreas, but as far as I can tell, the technology has not been…
Researchers Use 3D Printing to Create Organoids for Drug Testing in Monitored Body-On-A-Chip System
An organ-on-a-chip is a micro physiological system – a small cell culture chip that can mimic the structure and function of living human tissue. Organs-on-chips are helpful in terms of drug testing,…
LLNL Successfully Creates 4D Printed Flexible, Stretchable Composite Silicone Materials with Shape Memory
Earlier this summer, researchers from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) were working on using a direct ink writing (DIW) process to 3D print silicone metamaterials with shape memory behavior –…
Powerful X-Rays Put to Use in Study of Physics Behind Metal 3D Printing Process as Researchers Seek to Eliminate Structural Defects
From medical tools and aerospace turbines to components for race cars and satellites, it may seem like metal 3D printing can be used to magically make just about anything, for less…
3D Data Shows What Makes the Heart Beat – in High-Resolution Detail
I’ve often read the phrase “my heart skipped a beat” in novels where it was used to describe a giddy, romantic feeling. I understand what authors are going for, but…
LLNL Researchers Use Direct Ink Writing to 3D Print Silicone Metamaterials with Shape Memory Behavior
A research team from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has used a direct ink writing (DIW) process to 3D print property-specific, silicone metamaterials that possess shape memory behavior, which technically makes…
3D Printing Inspires Artificial Blood Vessel Engineering Process in Teeth to Reimagine Root Canals
Over the last few years, there has been a lot of research conducted on how to 3D print artificial blood vessels. In December, live 3D printed blood vessels were successfully…
MIT, Autodesk & Stratasys are Working With ‘Secret’ Materials to Develop New 4D Printing Applications
3D printing has come a long way since its inception in 1984. Today, we can print amazing things — from toys on home desktop 3D printers to replacement parts for…