America Makes Announces $2.1M in Funding for 3D Printing Research

The America Makes Open Project Call 2024 is now open for submissions. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering Manufacturing Technology Office (OSD (R&E)), is providing…

After Finishing a Full Iron Man Suit, Military Veteran Tim O’Sullivan 3D Prints the War Machine Mark III Suit

3D printing has found a home in the world of superheroes – the technology has been used to make superhero prosthetics, costumes, Legos, and models. One of the more popular choices…

3D Printed Imperator Furiosa Prosthetic Arm–Incredibly Accurate Mad Max: Fury Road Cosplay

Very few people could have predicted that the best movie of 2015 would be a dystopian action movie based on a movie series that ended 30 years ago, but Mad…

This 3D Printed Respirator Mask from Mad Max: Fury Road is as Horrifying as the Man Who Wears It

There may be a few movies that make more money this year than Mad Max: Fury Road, but there certainly will not be a movie that makes a larger impact…