prusa i3 hephestos
Smart Materials: 3D Printing Self-Healing Capsules for Concrete
In ‘3D printed capsules for self-healing concrete applications,’ researchers are exploring the world of self-healing materials further, with the creation of macro-capsules that can actually be filled with a variety…
Classic “Battleship” Board Game Transformed into 3D Printed “Battleshots” Drinking Game
“You sunk my battleship.” You may remember that classic commercial advertising the board game that has each player guessing the exact grid location of the other’s ships. Milton Bradley released…
Introducing the All (Mostly) New 3D Printed Robot in a Can!
It doesn’t promise to taste great or to be less filling, but Attiny Canbot sure is cute. This project springs from the mind of Thingiverse contributor Maxmillian Kern, who goes…