
Protosthetics and c2renew Partner to Create 3D Printing Filament for Definitive Prosthetic Sockets

What makes 3D printing so interesting—and so downright fascinating—is that it allows individuals and companies of all sizes to create parts and objects that might not be possible at all…

Protosthetics Uses LulzBot 3D Printers for Patient-Specific Prosthetics

E-NABLE, Create Orthotics and others have shown us the value of 3D printed prosthetics. Desktop 3D printers allow for the creation of low-cost personalized prosthetics, even traditionally high-cost bionic prosthetics. The problem…

NDSU Innovation Challenge Asks Students to Effect Change with Innovation–One Team Already Provides 3D Printed Prosthetics in Haiti

While an accident can cause the loss of a limb or hand before one truly realizes what’s happened, today 3D printed prosthetics can be created almost as quickly to reverse some…