“Auto Repair Needs 3D Printing” – Harold Sears Weighs in on Auto Additive’s Launch

Despite the automotive sector’s long-time adoption of additive manufacturing (AM), the use of the technology for end parts in consumer vehicles is only just now beginning to take off. And,…


Coatings Giant PPG 3D Prints Lockheed Aircraft Parts with New, Proprietary Tech

As 3DPrint.com’s Matt Kremenetsky recently pointed out, centuries-old conglomerates are pushing into the 3D printing space, where smaller firms could give them an Industry 4.0 life raft as global economics…

Tradiebot Industries Using Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies to Train Automotive Workforce

From midair 3D designing and undertaking immersive experiences to learning more about things like coffee and our planet, from testing out 3D digital drones and how to modify nuclear pumps to getting a closer…