Nicholas Fang
Researchers 3D Print Acoustic Metamaterials That Can Block Sound Waves and Vibrations
Metamaterials, which can morph according to their environment, make up a new class of 3D printable, engineered surfaces which can perform nature-defying tasks, like making holograms and shaping sound. Recently, a…
Novel Volumetric 3D Printing Method for Fast, Complex, Layer-Free Polymer Additive Manufacturing
While 3D printed objects typically take less time to fabricate than objects created with more traditional methods of manufacturing, they’re not always made as quickly as we want them to…
LLNL Uses 3D Printing & Lightweight Metamaterials to Solve Thermal Mismatch Issues
While you might be thinking you’ve heard it all when it comes to 3D printing, it’s generally a good idea to wait a few hours and check back with us,…
Researchers Develop Incredibly Strong 3D Printed Microlattices — Can Hold 10,000 Times Own Weight
The materials engineers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory work on the bleeding edge of 3D printing, and they’ve now developed a substance and printer which mixes metal and ceramics with…