Magnetic 3D printing
3D Printing News Briefs, July 3, 2021: Dyndrite, Arburg & Oryx Additive, TAMUQ, JTC, & CyBe Construction, Elementum 3D & NASA, VBN Components, Phillips Corporation & 3YOURMIND, Albéa, Erpro 3D Factory, & HP, Aectual & Gramazio Kohler Research
We’re covering a variety of topics in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, including partnerships, materials, AM applications, and more. Keep reading for all the details! World Economic Forum Names Dyndrite…
Making Magnetic Materials at University of Pittsburgh: Binder Jet 3D Printing vs Laser Metal Deposition
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh explore the ever-expanding world of benefits via 3D printing, detailing their work in the recently published ‘Additive Manufacturing: Opportunities and Challenges for Functional Magnetic…
University of California: 3D Printing with Magnetics & Hexaferrite Materials
Max Ho of the University of California recently published his dissertation, ‘Magnetic 3D Printing of Hexaferrite Material,’ exploring the use of progressive technology and materials, and the potential in possible…