
LUXeXceL Launches Easy-to-Use Transparent 3D Printing Service

Additive manufacturing has been around for over 30 years, but recent innovations have presented new breakthrough applications as well as lower prices for the technology, which has caused explosive growth within…

Pan-European Energy Conversion Efforts Enlists 3D Printing and Optics Technology

The more pessimistic assessments of the global capacity to convert infrastructure to sustainable energy sources are, in some ways, the result of very limited thinking, of considering conversion in terms…

LUXeXceL Announces New Optics 3D Printing Process and Material – To Compete With Injection Molding

One of the more impressive companies we have covered over the last year has been the Netherlands-based LUXeXceL. The company uses a unique additive manufacturing process to create crystal clear…

LUXeXcel Expands Their 3D Printed Optics Technology for Outdoor Use

It always amazes me how quickly the technologies behind 3D printing are developing. Go back just five to seven years and a lot of the technology that we see today,…

LUXeXceL Invests To 3D Print LED Optics

3D printing seems to be making its way into almost every nook and cranny of every industry out there, in some way or another. An example of this is the…