huge 3d printer
BAAM 3D Printer Gets Major Upgrade — Prints 100 lbs of Material Per Hour & More
Way back in June of last year we covered an announcement by Cincinnati Inc. and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) which revealed one of the world’s largest and most…
Builder EXTREME 1000 & 2000 Models Unveiled — Build Height of Over 6 Feet & Multi-Colored Printing
Size does matter, at least in the 3D printing space. One of the top qualities that both businesses and hobbyists look for in a 3D printer is a large build…
Artis Engineering is Creating Huge Robotic 3D Printer with 100 Cubic Meter Build Space & 8 Axes
3D printing is limited. It is limited by the materials that are available, by the size of the build platform, and by the size of the nozzles from which the…
3D-Group Debuts Huge New Mammoth 3D Printer with Patent Pending Technology
We all have heard the saying, “Bigger is better”, many times in our lives. When it comes to diamonds, gold bars, and yachts, this usually holds true. However, with other…
Japanese Designers Create a Huge Delta 3D Printer – 4 Meters Tall
Recently we have been seeing a lot of innovative 3D printing technology coming out of Asia. The Chinese have been at the forefront of developing all sorts of unique…
3DP Unlimited Hopes to Go Large With Their Enormous 3DP1000 3D Printer
According to a recent survey conducted by Robo3D, of current 3D printer owners, the number one aspect of the print process which participants said that they would improve if they…