

Iowa Demolishes Its First 3D Printed Home

In May 2023, the city of Muscatine, Iowa embarked on an ambitious plan to construct 3D printed homes. The weekend before Thanksgiving, the first such home was demolished. This project,…

Are 3D Printed Houses as Sustainable as They Seem?

Is additive construction (AC) sustainable? Many companies in the sector argue that it is for numerous reasons. They assert that it reduces waste because builders can print only what they…

ARPA-E Funds Hempcrete for Construction 3D Printing via Texas A&M Grant

Last month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded a $3.74 million grant to researchers at Texas A&M University, for a plan to research applications for additive construction (AC) using…

3D Printed “Hempstone” House Can Replace Cement for Greenhouse Gas Reduction

We have done a number of stories on how 3D printing can help fight climate change, and this is a very interesting application of the technology. Did you know that…