heart scans
3D Data Shows What Makes the Heart Beat – in High-Resolution Detail
I’ve often read the phrase “my heart skipped a beat” in novels where it was used to describe a giddy, romantic feeling. I understand what authors are going for, but…
Researchers Use Artificial Intelligence to Analyze 3D Virtual Hearts and Predict Cardiac Patients’ Survival Rates
If this study I’m writing about could have a theme song, I personally think it should be Céline Dion’s timeless earworm from Titanic, “My Heart Will Go On.” I know that sounds…
New MRI Scanning Technology from GE Healthcare Goes Beyond 3D: ViosWorks Produces Images of the Human Heart in Seven Dimensions
Obviously, we write about every aspect of 3D technology here at 3DPrint.com. More and more frequently, we also cover 4D technology, but 7D? That’s stretching it a bit. Or so…
Illinois Doctor is Building a Library of 3D Printable Hearts
We have seen several major stories in the past year, where doctors have been using 3D printed models of hearts, created from MRI scans. These hearts are typically life-size when printed,…