
Jeff Kerr Creates Amazing 3D Printed Frankenstein Light Switch on Prototype MOD-t 3D Printer

Personally, I’m a huge fan of what the guys at New Matter have been doing. They are bringing to market a very affordable FFF-based 3D printer, enabling virtually anyone to…

Researcher Believes 3D Printing May Lead to the Creation of Superhuman Organs Providing Humans with New Abilities

Evolution is what got us here today, if you accept the scientific approach to our creation. It was processes such as ‘survival of the fittest’ which led us, as well…

3DP Unlimited 3D Prints a 27-inch Tall Frankenstein’s Monster Head in One Single Piece

As Halloween approaches this Friday, we are sure to see lots of interesting 3D printed costumes, decorations, and anything else related to the holiday represented by witches, werewolves, and lots…