five-axis additive manufacturing
Penn State Researchers Make 3D Printing More Efficient with Five-Axis Fabrication
When you 3D print objects that have overhangs, supports are traditionally added to the print before the build begins, because the overhangs are not supported by anything below and your…
South African Defense Company Using Digital Manufacturing and 3D Printing to Build Surveillance and Attack Aircraft
Over the last few years, more and more 3D printing innovations have been coming out of South Africa, like the country’s first platinum 3D print. The technology also has its uses in…
3D Printing is So Last Week…Say Hello to “5D Printing” at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs!
We all know what 3D printing is – obviously. (If you don’t, here’s a handy overview. Welcome, newcomer.) We’ve also explored 4D printing, which involves printed objects that mutate and…