Dubai Health Authority
New Prosthetic Legs Change Dubai Man’s Life as UAE Continues to Embrace 3D Printing
For more than 15 of his 25 years, Fahed Mohamad Ali relied heavily on a wheelchair, his wooden prosthetic legs more cosmetic than functional. But now Ali has become the…
3D Printing News Briefs: April 17, 2018
For today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re covering some business news, followed up with material news and stories of 3D printing applications in the medical, aerospace, and defense fields. Norman…
3D Printing Courses in Arizona and Dubai Will Prepare Workforce for Industry Additive Manufacturing
3D printing offers design freedom, allows companies and organizations to save on production cost and time, and often increases performance as well. As the technology becomes more widespread, we are…
3DVinci Creations Helps Dubai Hospital Save a Patient’s Life with a 3D Printed Model
There may not be any location we cover more frequently in the 3D printing world than Dubai. 3D printing is becoming deeply integrated into just about every facet of society…
The UAE’s First Fully 3D Printed Prosthetic Leg Fitted: Recipient “Really Impressed” with Technology That Made It Possible
About a year ago, Dubai got pretty specific with some of the goals for its multi-tiered 3D printing plan in terms of the medical sector, when the Dubai Health Authority (DHA)…
Update on Dubai’s 3D Printing Strategy: DHA Will Soon Begin Using 3D Printing Technology for Dental Services and Ultra-Lightweight Prosthetics
In early 2016, Dubai implemented its 3D Printing Strategy, as part of a directive given by Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin…
Dubai Health Authority Hospitals to Begin Using 3D Printing Technology Next Year
While before you may have associated Dubai with glitz and glamour, now that may be changing as the Dubai government seems to be all about looking toward the uses of…
The Dubai 3D Printing Strategy: Will Print Teeth in Minutes, Make Prosthetics for $110 by 2025
It’s simple: Dubai wants to lead the world in 3D printing. And boy, do they have a plan. While many have vague goals and hopes as they see a bright…
The UAE Projects Dramatic Percentage Dubai Homes to Be 3D Printed Soon, Presents Multi-Tiered Strategy
Dubai is a dramatic locale that most of us equate with luxury, billionaires and their cohorts dripping in gold, and financial resources that are bigger than big—the kind that most…