diy 3d scanner
3Digify: New Kickstarter Allows You to Build Your Own 3D Scanner for a Reasonable Price (Or for Free!)
3D scanners are expensive. Even the cheapest will run you at least a few hundred dollars, and the more sophisticated, high-quality scanners can easily cost well over $10,000. Considering that…
German Hardware Hacker Creates Kinect-Based Portable 3D Scanner
Mario Lukas is a German maker, hardware hacker, and tinkerer, and he decided he wanted to build a low-cost, mobile, Raspberry Pi2- and Kinect-based 3D scanner. Kinect is essentially a…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — April 11, 2015
This week’s 3D printing stories we didn’t cover run the gamut from quite serious to whimsical, beginning with serious news of an MIT student’s use of 3D printing to document…
Sardauscan, the Sub-$30 DIY 3D Scanner — Open Source 3D Printable Files Released
The sooner that affordable 3D scanners are made available, the sooner the consumer side of the 3D printing market will expand. You see, currently the majority of us lack the 3D…